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Enterprise AI
Pegasystems Releases 2023 ESG Impact Report Highlighting AI, Sustainability, and Inclusion Initiatives
Pegasystems Inc., the leading enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation platform provider, has published its annual Impact Report for 2023. The report highlights Pega’s progress, developments, and contributions in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs, showcasing the company's ability to adapt to emerging trends and challenges. Read More
Adthena Launches Ask Arlo 2.0: Real-Time AI for Advanced Search Data Insights
Adthena, a leader in search intelligence for enterprise brands, has unveiled a major update to its innovative conversational AI tool, Ask Arlo. This advanced version 2.0 aims to transform how marketers interact with their search data, offering real-time insights and tailored responses to enhance decision-making processes. Read More
Writer Expands C-Suite to Accelerate Hypergrowth and Market Leadership
Writer, the full-stack generative AI platform known for delivering transformative ROI, has announced the appointment of three new C-suite officers. This strategic move is aimed at driving the company's next phase of growth and market leadership, as it rapidly expands its customer base and revenue. Read More
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