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AI in Business
AI is evolving with each passing day; tech giants have been continually striving to outdo one another, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve. Facebook’s and Instagram’s parent company Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.) is the latest to throw its hat into the ring, with ambitious plans to develop a new AI system that rivals OpenAI’s most advanced models. The announcement has sparked considerable interest and speculation in the tech world, as Meta aims to make a significant mark in one of the fastest-growing tech sectors. Read More
Artificial intelligence (AI) has transcended its once-futuristic status to become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing industries, simplifying tasks, and opening doors to opportunities. It is no longer a sci-fi dream rather the beating heart of modern technology. Rapid technological advancements have marked the era, and AI has emerged as the ultimate feast for the ever-hungry appetite for innovation. The world of AI presents a vast and enticing menu of possibilities that serves up the must-have ingredients for the world’s insatiable appetite. Read More
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